Museum Pass Program
Sponsored by Friends of Haworth Library

Open all days 10:30 AM-5:30 PM, except Saturdays,
10:30 AM-7 PM. Closed Thanksgiving & Christmas.
Our MOMA library membership pass admits 5 people for free. Up to 5 additional tickets can then be bought for $5 apiece at the lobby membership desk. Pass also gives a 10% discount at the MOMA gift shop.
For more information, visit moma.org.
Memorial, Daily 8 AM - 8 PM
Museum, Wednesday-Mondays, 9 AM-7 PM
Pass admits 2 adults and 2 children 17 and under.
For more information: 911memorial.org/
Haworth Library is currently offering a limited number of passes to the American Museum of Natural History.
Reservation is required.
Click https://ticketing.amnh.org/#/tickets to reserve a time slot. Then click on the link at the bottom of the page for "pass/voucher holder."
The Haworth Library has paper vouchers for the museum-- there's a limit of two vouchers per family, and a family can request them only once per year.
The Museum suggests you visit their "Plan Your Visit" page for more information http://www.amnh.org

Sunday-Friday, 11 AM - 6 PM
Saturday, 11 AM - 8 PM
Timed tickets encouraged.
Pass admits up to 4 adults or students.
Children under 12 are always free.
For more information: www.guggenheim.org
Free admission for 2 adults and 2 children.
Reservations not necessary. Take the library's
Intrepid pass and your library card to the Box
Office in the Welcome Center (using the
Membership Express line) and tickets will
be printed for you.
Additional discounted guest tickets:
$18 adult, 13 child
For more information https://www.intrepidmuseum.org/
Wednesdays-Mondays 10 AM - 5:30 PM
(last admittance at 4 PM)
Pass admits one vehicle of up to six passengers.
With a library membership, reservations are not required.
For more information: www.stormking.org